With this Lunar Eclipse, Kamala Harris has a chance to achieve change but with a sugar coating. We also have a potent lunar eclipse strongly colored by this conjunction, as well as Uranus turning direct. Hercules’ kneeling posture, with raised club and one foot on the head of the Dragon has echoes of the Judaeo-Christian figure of Archangel Michael (and later, St. George) wielding his sword, standing with one foot on the head of the Dragon. The Lunar Eclipse of June 5 th is the first of three consecutive eclipses in this Summer. See disclaimer for details Lunar Eclipse May 2021 Sagittarius Decan … yet there is potential to really stand in the fire and face the shadow Truths in ourselves and others and find a deeper level of commitment to ourselves, our shadow dancing and our evolutionary journey right now. Order a personalized synastry report today at astroladyconsultations@gmail.com! Adding to the mix are Lilith and Juno, both conjunct the Sun in Libra at this This is happening so that we can acknowledge the source of these patterns, release our attachment to them and enable a deep, lasting healing to occur. Juno is the meeting point between feminine and masculine. You can see from the accompanying picture of the Hercules constellation that Ras Algethi is at the brow centre (third eye chakra) of Hercules, so is concerned with self-awareness, self-awakening and self-realisation. He/she used his high qualification, ambitions for this purpose, did not miss chances that correspond with his/her sense of happiness and prosperity. According to a study, certain Juno aspects were commonly found in the synastry charts of married couples, including: Juno conjunct North Node, Juno conjunct Juno, Juno trine Venus, and Juno trine Mars. A lot of negative emotional experiences, loss of happiness and/or luck, which can also unlock auto-immune diseases. Retrograde Venus is challenging us to look at the ways in which we may self-cherish, in order to maintain our familiar comfort zones, habits or behaviour patterns that prevent us from being able to see what is really going on around us, with any degree of objectivity. Disappointments related to travel, relocations, they lead to a lot of negative experiences. Time: 12:13 PM Pacific Time. NN at 4 Leo. It means that the time has come, collectively and globally, to discover and stand in our true inner power and know that others only have power over us, when we elect, consciously or unconsciously, deliberately or through omission or complacency, to give our power away to others. Headlines. Do you see the theme here? In the midst of the global challenges brought by the on-going Jupiter-Pluto conjunction (see previous blog), there will be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on 5th June and an Annular Solar Eclipse on 21st June, just a few hours after the Solstice. Increased well-being resulting from the settlement of legal cases. It also links with some of the themes associated with Juno, currently moving direct in Sagitarius in opposition to the retrograde Gemini Vesta. Note: Times are for time zone 5 hours West — Eastern Time. So strange -- today is actually the date of my prenatal solar eclipse o.0. We can’t continue to have expectations that those in power will make good decisions, and then blame them if they don’t, if we are unwilling to deal with our own unresolved issues; in that case, we are simply deflecting personal responsibility and projecting it out, expecting “them” to solve all our problems. The Grand Cross is formed by the South Node Lunar Eclipse in opposition to Mercury, Sun, Pallas Athene, Moon’s North Node and Pluto; on the other axis, Juno is in opposition to the Jupiter – Uranus conjunction. Arrangement of documents, whether legal or international, which a person has long strived for and made a lot of effort to obtain them. The Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26 th The Full Moon arrives on May 26th 7.13 am ET / 1.13 pm CET at 5 degrees Sagittarius. The May 26 lunar eclipse is in the Sign of Sagittarius. My postnatal lunar Eclipse is interesting... moon is conjunct my natal Juno exact/eclipse Juno by 1 degree, and Sun is conjunct eclipse North Node and my draconic IC (his draconic Venus/my daughter's natal Venus/Chiron/Ceres/Neptune stellium). Lunar Eclipses prepare us individually, at the emotional level, for the wider shifts that occur in the collective global consciousness at the subsequent Solar Eclipse. It may seem to us that these two things, the breakdown of global structures and the urgent need to change personal behaviours, are unrelated; this is due to the “missing” trine aspect between Saturn and Venus – Sun. Plus freedom-loving Uranus (which rules Aquarius) has been squaring intense Pluto (retrograde). Hera / Juno had set him his 12 Labours after, in a fit of madness, he had killed his own children. The Lunar Eclipse is more of an inner awaking of others around us. If one did not act in the manner described above, this aspect could have a highly destructive effect that would require rethinking and analysis of the past, looking for the reasons for everything happening, so that one could manage the challenges and then open a new page in his/her life. We need to be taking our cues from her, from looking and listening to her patterns and cycles and seeking to understand how best to live in harmony with her needs. Friday, June 5 Full Moon (Lunar) Eclipse Whilst they are all retrograde, they offer us to opportunity to “unhook” our attachments to the social, political, corporate, and spiritual power structures that others have sought, or are seeking, to impose upon us against our true inner will. Black Moon Lilith is the balance point of our lunar orbit that astrologers have been using to illustrate the exiled aspects of our consciousness we have been repressing or … Vesta is not about ego-centred wish-fulfilment or escapist fantasy. Posts: 1671 From: Saturn Registered: Sep … Due to the influence of the North and South Nodes - the impact of this Full Moon is much longer, for the next six months or a year. It also has a cosmic scope. At this Lunar eclipse, the North Node is conjunct Vesta in Cancer, which is about learning to completely trust and follow the promptings of our innermost hearts. Lunar eclipse conjunct the Galactic Centre this Wednesday (15th June), alot of energetic movement in the ether right now… messages from beyond our ‘usual’ realm of experience coming through. The essence of Chiron is about wisdom; essentially turning the hurts and painful experiences had in life and allowing them to bring us to a place of wisdom.

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